Wanna get back 5h/wk while working less & vibing more? 👇🏼 Do this

Hi Reader,

The other day I read that modern humans now have a shorter attention span than a goldfish… 8 seconds 😱 🐠

This lack of focus is a real time & energy drainer. Here's why:

Each time you check your phone, inbox or fridge, one study found that it can take you up to 23 min to come back on task.

I’ll let you do the math.💀

If you’re anything like me, you like to get the job done and can be laser-focused.

But at times, you go down a distraction wormhole to finally emerge and wonder where TF you’ve been for the past hours. 🤯

(Nothing wrong with following your curiosity btw when it’s intentional)

OKKK so you’re ready to stop taking your work home and skip on girls nights cause you’ve succumbed to the scroll.

But what’s the magic trick? 🪄

I could tell you to do the obvious like…

👉🏼 Keep your phone on do not disturb

👉🏼 Resist the temptation to multitask

👉🏼 Set a timer to take regular mental breaks

Which are all really helpful tips... but they only scratch the surface. Perhaps you’ve tried them all and it didn’t quite cut it.

That’s because they don’t really get to the root of the problem.

The ONE thing that makes all of the above easier is this:

Literally training yourself to pay attention & be present. 🧠 👁️🧘🏻‍♀️


Because you know it, attention can be trained!

There are many mindfulness techniques out there, but my jam are yogic practices such as:

  • Balance & inversion poses
  • Meditating on the 3rd eye
  • Alternate nostril breathing
  • Meditating or chanting a mantra (sound form)

These are all great methods to flex your concentration muscles and can be practiced daily to tame the monkey mind.

It's the 5-10min/day investment that can free up 5h/week.

But not only that.

It makes your life flow more seamlessly
while you enjoy the view from a hot tub
knowing that you’ve got the essentials covered
and can luxuriate in that extra pool of time

Would you like to learn & incorporate attention training in your everyday?

If yes reply 'ATTENTION' and I'll keep sharing more in the future ;)

Mindfully yours,


PS: I've decided to slow down the pace of these letters for the coming months as I'll be going on a few trips and focusing on other areas in my biz. But don't worry I'll still pop into your inbox every 2 weeks or so! We can also stay in touch on the 'gram. 💜

PPS: There's still super last minute time to join OVERFLOW the 3 weeks challenge to master your energy. I know I said doors closed last Sunday but people still managed to sign up since soooo what the hell. 😅 Join our little club for just $88. We start next week!


Hi! I'm Lou. I share yogic mindset & tools to take you from burned out to lit up 🔥

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