🫸 this is not normal


Do you catch yourself always saying you're "busy" and "tired" when someone's asking you what you've been up to?

Because that's totally me - soooo many times it's embarassing!

And while it might be a socially accepted response (and sadly expected and worn like some badge of honor).

It’s NOT normal to continuously feel drained & scattered.

I know first-hand the morning dread, brain fog and mild panic that comes from trying to be across all of the things.

And I decided long ago that while life is messy, that's not how I want to experience it. No thank you🫸

This is what I found out:

The point is not to do more with the TIME you have.

It's having higher quality ENERGY and clear boundaries to channel it into the things you love.

As author Brianna Weist points out "Happiness is not filling your schedule to the brim."

That feels so true.

I know that when I do less, focus on my wellbeing, and carefully choose where I direct my energy, everything else falls into place.

Because this is not some rat race, but an exciting journey!

Where you deserve to feel balanced, easeful and happy while you make bold moves towards the life you want.

So let me ask you...

What if instead of cramming more, you removed the superfluous?

What if you replenished yourself before going to zero?

What if you could life life without any FOMO because you already feel so connected to yourself that nothing else can beat that?

If you're nodding your head, then this might be for you!

⚡️ I'm launching a 4 weeks challenge to plug your energy leaks & get your cup overflowing

⚡️ I’ll select 10 motivated participants to join in late October

⚡️ As it's the first round I'm offering it at a 90% discount in exchange for your honest feedback (price will go up next round)

⚡️ This is by application only. Reply ‘ENERGY’ if you’d like to be the first to know when doors open ;)

Excited to hear from you x


Hi! I'm Lou. I share yogic mindset & tools to take you from burned out to lit up 🔥

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