
Hi! I'm Lou. I share yogic mindset & tools to take you from burned out to lit up 🔥

the cost of staying the same 👁️

Published 7 months ago • 1 min read

The real reason so many of us flirt with burnout or put up with feeling depleted for too long is because of this:

Deep down you believe that changing is more painful than staying the same.

When you’re constantly stressed & fried, getting a new planner or going on a vacation just won’t cut it.

You need to get to the root of the problem.

Which means rolling up your sleeves and becoming real honest with yourself.

This process of building self-awareness, setting boundaries, and figuring out what you actually want is what I call inner work.

Now of course burnout can be due to external & systematic factors outside of your control.

But how much you put up with them is partly your choice.

Is your client an energy sucker or are you people-pleasing because you feel insecure?

Is your partner not supportive or do you just suck at asking for what you need?

If you’ve always operated a certain way, behaving otherwise might feel super uncomfortable.

We’re wired to avoid change at all cost because the unknown is scary, even if that means we stay in a crappy situation longer than we need to.

And while this might feel safer, guess what?


Trying to stay the same (a.k.a not do the inner work) uses up ALL your energy.

Hence burnout ¯\*(ツ)*/¯

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

You can take your power back 💪

It starts with one question : Is the cost of staying the same greater than the cost of changing?

I promise you once you let go of that fear, you will discover reserves of energy within you that you can’t even begin to imagine!

So are you ready to commit to your rested, creative and joyful self?

Comment ‘INNER WORK’ and I’ll send you 5 journaling prompts to help you take stock and make a pinky finger pact with yourself to 👏 DO 👏 THE 👏 WORK (with buckloads of compassion).

You got this.


PS: I was interviewed (for the 1st time ever!!) on the Finding Flowstate podcast which is hosted by my amazing coach Steph Ellen. I share about my burnout story, the warning signs, the power of rest, and how to create mindful habits to come back to yourself. Listen to it here.

Hi! I'm Lou. I share yogic mindset & tools to take you from burned out to lit up 🔥

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