Mind-body relationship status: "It's complicated" 😅

Hi Reader,

Welcome to my monthly list of things I've been doing & enjoying!

I'm writing to you from my garden lawn where I'm lying down to soak in the last of the day's sun before La Nina crazy weather returns with a vengeance.

In a time of upheaval & crisis, it seems all the more important to make the most of what is good, when it's there. To fight the urge to postpone it because who knows when it might be gone? Carpe diem baby.

🌈 If you'd like to join me for Yoga classes & workshops in the future (both in person or online), please take 2 minutes to fill in this survey. It will help me to fine tune my offerings to fit your interests. Thank you!

So here we go with my little joys from March. Lately I've been...

Reflecting on the relationship between my mind and body while dealing with chronic neck pains. The mind has a tendency to play the tyrant. Until one day the body says no and you can't ignore it. The question is how do you avoid this clash? What does mind-body friendship look like? For me it's learning when my yoga practice is driven by my mind's agenda and learning when to back off... which in itself is harder that the most difficult assanas 😭

If yoga is about being flexible, the most important part to stretch is your mind. - Simon Borg-Olivier, Synergy Yoga

Awakening Shakti by one of my favorite meditation teacher Sally Kempton. For someone who's always struggled with connecting with the feminine, this book on the yogic goddesses was a revelation. Each deity embodies forces at play in our lives (creativity, strength, beauty). Each can teach us how to harness them within ourselves. An empowering read for girls & boys alike 💃🏻

Sharing more hands-on assists in classes after building up my skills in a 50h training. After 2 years of social distancing, it's time to start to mindfully reintroduce touch as a means of communication. (Plus who doesn't love a massage in savasana?!)

Cooking & eating delicious meals following a consultation with my friend Sarah Cobacho. Check out her Instagram where she shares recipes and simple nutrition tips to embrace more plants in your diet. It feels amazing for you + animals + planet 🌟 Triple win!

I hope to catch you soon in class or on the screen, and until then sending you love, warmth & sunshine.


Hi! I'm Lou. I share yogic mindset & tools to take you from burned out to lit up 🔥

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Read more from Hi! I'm Lou. I share yogic mindset & tools to take you from burned out to lit up 🔥

Hi Reader, The other day I found myself watching a video about this new workout to look lean & sexy in under 15min a day. I scrolled down and was shown a powerful meditation technique that can 10x your productivity. Then spent the next hour googling / fantasizing about this perfect body and focused mind that could be mine if only... (ofc without actually trying a single of these exercises 🥲) Let's face it, the wellness & self-dev industry is NOISY. It can leave us feeling overwhelmed and...

Hi Reader, did you miss me? :) I blanked out on sending last week's NL because I was SO EXCITED about hosting my 1st yoga retreat! And it went amaziiiing 🎵 Finding SPACE was the main theme of the retreat and it was a great opportunity to reset in a supportive and quiet environment. The real flex though is how to bring this renewed energy, calm and balance within everyday conditions that are far from "perfect". When the phone is pinging every 5min, more work is added to your already full...

Hi Reader, It's good to be back! I just returned from 3 weeks in Goa (India) to connect with the land of yoga and deepen my personal practice. Do you know it was the first time I ever went to a yoga retreat? Of course I was like a kid at a candy shop 😇 I met the most wonderful teachers, made new friends, had an 'ashram'-like experience, immersed myself in the local culture... and filled my heart to the brim. Most of us look at the turn of the year as a time to look ahead. Instead I tried to...